From this movie poster, I can tell that this movie is SC-FI because the image shows a man in space standing on earth. The title is faded and large and not many movie posters titles are faded. It also shows the producers and directors. Also, shows movie cast. The colour blue behind the man is mostly in SC-FI movies.
The production company is Falling Sky Entertainment. The distributor is Anchor Bay. They distributed the movie to cinemas and then released it to DVD. On the poster, It shows producers and directors names and it also shows a website. The director is Richard Schenkman. He was the one that directed the movie. The writer of this movie was Jerome Bixby.
This is a PG certificate so that suggests a wide target audience. This movie would probably be suitable for males instead of females because SC-FI films are mostly watched by males. Males are more likely to buy this movie than females.
There is no representation of females because males are stereotypically judged as a better scientific person. This shows that not many females are in SC-FI films. This shows that females are stereotypically not scientific than males.
Ratna - you will need to find or produce the summer research project very quickly before I escalate the concerns I have about your blog. To DF06 please to produce it / explain yourself.