Thursday 4 February 2016

Music video treatment

Project planning

Your name: Ratna Rai

Group members: Damani Daley, Abdullah Al-Fadhli , Hussein Hamume

Shortlist of five tracks (artist/song title) that you may use:

Fireflies - Owl City

The Script - The man who can't be moved

Frank Ocean - Thinking about you

Bastille - Pompei

The Script - Hall of Fame

Selected track: Fireflies - Owl City

Music video treatment

Concept – sum up the music video in one sentence:

  • The music I have chosen is Fireflies - Owl city. The concept of my music video is going to be me meeting up with my friends and discovering the centre part of London that I have yet to discover. We will go out to London in the night as it is the best time to go have fun and look at many lights. The music suits the style of my music video as the music is more fun and relaxing. While I am in London, I will be walking around centre of London admiring the environments. Also, whenever the loud chorus occurs, I and my friends will be running and jumping and having fun to match the song. There will be different variety of shots such as low, high, medium angle shot to make it more interesting. This type of music video will be appealed to people that like going out, having fun in fun places with their friends. 

Scene/location 1: Once, there will be a slow motion when the music is 0:45 in Piccadilly Circus and the slow motion will end 1:07 and will return back to normal speed to make it go with the song as the song was slow as well from 0:45 to 1:07.

Scene/Location 2: During the chorus, me and my friends will be doing the usual thing by looking to have fun and running around in central London. In the verses, we will be walking around and exploring London. I will also lips some parts of the songs and cut it in the music video.

Scene/location 3: It will be me looking ecstatic about me being in the environment. Sometimes, there will be slow motion for 1 sec or 2 seconds during the chorus. e.g When I jump, I could slow motion that part.

Additional notes/scenes:

Pace/colour/tone/feel of video: The pace of the song will be slow motion and normal speed and high speed. It will happen at the best time if it matches the tempo of the song.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Representation of spectre


The movie I have chosen is Spectre as it is a British espionage thriller, It is the 24th instalment of the James Bond franchise in which British spy, James Bond, is tasked with saving the world from the influence of a foreign terrorist organisation. In Spectre, Bond is on his way to look for an agent's missing daughter because the danger she is in. 
Spectre was produced in 2015 and features UK star; Daniel Craig. The creator and the distributor of the film "Spectre" are Metro-Goldwynn-Mayer and Columbia pictures. It's enormous $245million budget was invested in the knowledge the the huge pre-existing audience and fan base for James Bond movies would guarantee profit. The film took a staggering $870million in Box Office sales alone and was one of the most successful films (financially) of 2015.
At the end of the trailer, it reveals "#Spectre" which clarifies that they revealed it to get feedback from people and how good or bad it was to them. Also, it shows the company of the film which promotes the film because some people may know that certain companies produce really good films and they may know Metro-Goldwynn-Mayer and Columbia pictures as the good producers of films. The film trailer promotes the star James Bond at the end of the trailer. The directors are not mentioned in the trailer. The versatility of the movie poster is eye-catching as the central image and the background are similar through the involvement of skull mask and a gun which is a synergy because a gun kills and then the skull is suggesting what will happen after a gunshot or killed. However, the idea that the skull is behind James Bond, it suggests that James Bond is immortal; James Bond does not fear death as the iconography of a gun that James Bond is holding perhaps for survival and to stay alive; supports the idea that James Bond is not going to be in a tragic trouble throughout the movie. Also, the misenscene of black trousers and white blazer shows that Bond has two character types throughout the movie; Violent and good. The meaning of 'Spectre' is ghost which has a synergy with the frightening skeleton background to show the danger of James Bond on how capable and confident he is when it comes to violence. The '007' logo including a gun conveys the idea that the people that watch it, will experience many gun fights on the screen throughout the movie. The white suit on the central image suggests how sophisticated and a spy he looks. Also, this is the kind of expectations audiences will expect in a Bond film such as; suits, guns and cheating death.The central image and the background image are both looking straight at the camera to show his inability to be extremely dangerous. The iconography of violence is a gun in the poster as the central image is holding it. The pose of the central image shows how smart of spy he can be and people will know that he cheats death and is too intelligent to die. The poster makes most of the institutional information because the iconography of gun and a suit, suits James Bond as he is appeared to always be in action movies. 
The representation of men in this movie is that they are shown as strong, fearless and dangerous. This representation is conforming to other representations of men in action films because its always a typical man that is the hero and is classified as a fearless man in action movies. In this movie, females are represented as vulnerable to attack or abduct. The message that the audience will receive is that they will know that women aren't stronger than men which is a gender stereotype. The movie represents Britain as a country that involves a lot of crimes. It is represented as a dangerous country that should not be visited. European people in this movie are presented as evil people that want to or are on the verge to kill people. The part when the European people try to take the woman that James Bond was trying to rescue. Social class in this movie is represented as power. Higher Social class gives you access to more weapons and more people by your side in this movie. It reinforces the stereotypes in British action films in which the European people are always the evil people in action films.
The representation of gender in Spectre reinforces gender stereotypes. Daniel Craig who plays the main character as a stereotypical British male action hero. He is fearless, smart, dangerous and heroic in trying to find his agent's daughter that is discussed with the father before he committed suicide. When he finally finds her, the stereotypical evil Russians followed him and then after take the daughter as the daughter finds it hard to take in that he is trying to save her. As we know that Russians are mostly represented as evil in many movies. Then James Bond (Daniel Craig) chases them and rescues the daughter. These are typical stereotypes of men in action films.  This suggests that not many women should be in these type of situations.
In the film trailer for spectre. The movie starts off with a disequilibrium because in Bond movies, there is much more horrific scenes than good scenes because Bond is a spy and therefore the movie will include more violence. There is not much evidence of equilibrium according to Todorov's theory, there is more evidence of disequilibrium which makes sense for a James Bond film because James Bond is a spy and they need spies whenever there is a chaos. The people need to watch the whole movie to see if there is much evidence of equilibrium in the movie and also to enjoy the resolution of the movie. This is usual because there isn't much equilibrium evidence in action movies such as Spy action movies because there is always chaos and include many contemptuous characters that are always starting violence towards citizens and therefore Bond has to include violence considering that its the only way to save himself and his people that the bad characters are targeting. As shown in the trailer, the evidence of equilibrium is not visual so therefore, these type of movies will include more disequilibrium than equilibrium.
According to Propp's character types theory, in the movie "Spectre", a white male hero that is on the hunt to look for his agent's daughter who is a Doner. He has to find her so that she can guide him to the evil people so that he can kill them. we know that James Bond has been in  many similar action movies which makes him popular as we know that the audience knows him for one typical actor that plays in the same genre movies. As we know, this is usual because white male are usually always in the heroic positions in many action movies. They are portrayed mostly in action movies to show the potential and capability of violence of white males. In the movie trailer, it doesn't tell us why the daughter was missing as it would ruin the resolution of the film for us. We do learn that the daughter is the only for James Bond to complete his mission. Bond is a well-known character type that is known to be in spy and action movies which helps to establish the action movie. The trailer allows audiences to see more action codes to summarise what the movie is mostly going to include.
For Barthes theory, the enigma code in this movie is when we see the father of the missing daughter revealing to Bond that she's missing. This is enigma code because his daughter is the only help for Bond so he has to find her and he found out she was missing, he was shocked but ready to look for her. But then the father of the daughter who is an agent then shoots himself. Action codes are very important and included as we know that in action movies, there will be action most of the time. The action code is when Bond finds the daughter and has to protect her from the evil people. As he promised his agent that he will keep his daughter safe and so he does. There are also dramatic scenes when Bond shoots the evil people without getting caught.
The movie had a budget of $245, 000, 000 and it made a huge healthy amount of $70, 403, 148 in the opening weekend. This movie was produced in October 26th 2015 and features the very well known character James Bond, they also know him from one genre in movies. Also, this helps promote the movie because the audience will know if James Bond is in a movie, it is going to be a good action movie that everybody will enjoy. The audience know him for one character type.

My movie is about a man that suffers a horrific injury then later to be the champion of boxing. The movie cover shows a boxer and his coach giving eye to eye when training. We know that the direct address is not given from the central image which suggests how he is fully concentrated on recovering from injury and training to be the champion. Also, the facial expression of the central image suggests how the mood of him will be for the rest of the movie. The central image is darker than the background which emphasises how dangerous he will be. The font of the title is rough and hard which has a synergy with the central image because they look dangerous and rough. The people that would most be appealed by my movie cover would most likely be from 16 to 25 considering that between those two ages, they are most up for fighting and appealed easily by fighting movies. Violence entertains them.