Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The Martian 

Sc-Fi Drama

The storyline is clearly shown on the trailer. Matt Damon (the main character) was left on the planet Mars by his team because they thought that Matt Damon was dead. Later on, Matt Damon sends a video message to his crew about him still being alive. Then his team organise their journey back to Mars to bring back their team member that they left on Mars.

The character is a typical Hollywood Sc-Fi. His team are willing to do everything it takes to go back to Mars and bring back their member that they left from Mars. The main character is: strong, determined to fight for his own life, fearless, brave and is fighting for his life to survive on the Mars until his team arrive back to Mars. He is waiting for his team to save him so he is relying on his team to get back as quickly as possible.

The iconography of this movie is that there are: spaceships, advanced technologies, explosions, planets and how Mars actually looks like. These iconographies are all related to the genre because the setting of the movie is in the space which is definitely Sc-Fi.

From the trailer, I can tell that this movie's setting is in the Mars. It is a setting where you would use for Sc-Fi films. As Mars is the setting, it connotes that this movie is a Sc-Fi film.

The Spectre

The storyline is clear as it shows us that in this movie, James Bond is on an adventure teaming up with a cooperative agent's daughter to find and eliminate the bad people. Also, he meets a beautiful widow in Rome. James Bond covertly intercepts a secret meeting in which he uncovers the existence of the sinister organizer SPECTRE.

The character is a British actor that plays in movies that are involves violence and brutality. In this movie, he is on a journey to find a cooperative agent's daughter. Then he finds her and teams up with her to find the bad people. The main character is: strong, smart, fearless and brutal which signifies that this movie does belong to the action genre category. He is brave enough to be alone and fight lot of enemies which shows how much love he has for his daughter.

The iconography of this movie are: Car chasing, Car drifting, guns, explosions, elaborate clothing, hot ladies and lot of running. The iconography emphasises action because in action movies, it usually involves these iconographies. This movie should belong to action genre.

The trailer of this movie shows that the settings of this movie is in the mountains and cities. The setting is in the city suggests that this a action movie because the iconographies of this movie usually happens in cities rather than other places.

The Sinister


The storyline of this movie is that a family move into a house. A house that previous families lived and died brutally. When they start to settle in the house, they started to eventually hear noises and sounds in their house. The dad (Ethan Hawk) found a box in his attic. Inside the box, was a lot of tapes. The dad watched the tapes and watched how the previous family died in the same house that they are currently living in. Later on, he finds more tapes about all the families that lived in the house. He watched how all the families died. Then, the kids that killed their families previously started to appear in the house but the dad never saw them; Only the younger kids were able to see them. One night, the dad went out his garden and eventually saw the boogie man that got the kids to kill their own families. So after that, they moved houses. They moved to a big house. After they settled in the house, the dad goes in to new houses's attic. He somehow found the box full of tapes again after he burnt them in the old house. But it was too late because his daughter was possessed by the Boogie man. Then, the dad, the mum and the son was killed by the daughter.

The character is played by Ethan Hawke who is american and who is 44 years old that gives his care and love to his family. The mum is a typical British actor. In this movie, they move into a house full of demons that killed the families that lived in the house. Then they move when they started to get too petrified. But in the new house, it was the same. The Boogie-man followed them. The family were killed in that house. The dad plays as the main character that takes care of his family and protects his family. The character is: strong, fearless at first and he is a dad that tries to protect his family. He finds out all the scenes that happened to the families before in the same house.

The iconography of this movie are: Creaky doors, weird scary sounds, clumsy people, scary real tapes, dark, a weapon and a demon that haunts everyone. These iconographies fit into the genre 'Horror' because in horror films, the iconography would usually be the same.

The setting of this movie is in a haunted house that is basically a grave because the previous families that lived there, were killed. The house is dark more often which emphasises killing and scary.In the garden, there is a tree where one of the families were strung.